
Bengaluru startup launches all in one taxi fare comparison app

YoRide, a Bangalore based startup launched the perfect taxi fare comparison and booking app. The app helps users compare availability and fare across all taxi/cab-booking apps.

YoRide hit 10,000 downloads mark within 100 days of launching in Android and iOS stores. The number of people booking a taxi has increased steeply in India over the last few years.

This was partly because of the app-based taxi aggregators like Uber & Ola who lured users with cheap fares. Older players like Mega cabs, Easy cabs, Meru cabs, Fasttrack and others also launched their own apps and started competing with Uber & Ola on prices.

But along with cheap fares came surge prices and fine print like ride time charges, wait time charges etc. Making it difficult for users to figure out how much their ride is going to cost. Given the increase in demand, it is not always easy to find a cab in peak hours even if one is willing to pay the surge price.

Also, to install a new app, users some times have to uninstall an existing app because of the space constraints on their phones, which is a big hassle. YoRide aims to resolve all the above problems by helping users compare taxi fares and make bookings from one single platform.


Source: Money Control