
FreeCharge’s Chat-n-Pay service records 1 million active users

Freecharge, India’s fastest growing digital payments platform has achieved another milestone in its journey towards a less-cash society. The company has registered one million active users for its Chat-n-Pay service in just two months of its launch.

Chat-n-Pay service is an engaging and secure way of enabling social payments between Person-to-Person and Person-to-Merchants payments.

The Chat-n-Pay service includes features like send money, request money, and spilt bill. Among the one million users, 48 percent have used the service to send money, 46 percent to request money and six percent for split bill.

Consumers have been using all the three services actively to recharge, pay bills, and split bills among friends and family. The Chat-n-Pay service also has over 50,000 merchants registered on the platform accepting digital payments and the services include taxi drivers, saloons, kirana stores etc across Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore.

“We are excited to see over one million users transacting digitally via our Chat-n-Pay service. We forayed into social payments with an intent to enable merchants from both organized and unorganized sector easily register on our platform and accept digital payments in less than 10 seconds,” said CEO Freecharge, GovindRajan.

“For consumers, the intention was to ride on the existing habit of chatting and further empower them to use this mean to also pay for different services. We are confident that Chat-n-Pay will further accelerate the adoption of digital payments among Indian consumers and merchants at zero investment,” added GovindRajan.

Freecharge is at the forefront of launching technologies which enable a payment success rate of 99 percent making it one of the fastest payment platforms in the country.

With each innovation, the company is making it easier for merchants and consumers join the digital payments journey and move towards a less cash economy.

Source: Business Standard

Image Courtesy: Economic Times