
Tool Rooms and Technical Centers to augment & upgrade machine and equipment | MSME Ministry

MSME Minister Kalraj Mishra in a press conference held at New Delhi on March 8th talked about the tool rooms and technical centres. He mentioned that 1,81,500 youth will be provided training and technological support. 36,600 MSEs will be provided Rs. 100 Cr capital expenditure, for augmentation and up gradation of machine and equipment.

He further added that 15 new technology centres will be set up at the cost of Rs. 2,200 cr with World Bank assistance. Rs. 75 cr will be spent during the year 2016-17 for opening of new Tool Rooms under the project.

With a view to foster the growth of the SME sector in the country, MSME Tool Rooms & Training Centres has been established to provide invaluable technological support to the Industry and ensures that Tool Room technology keeps pace with the rapid growth of Industry, which aims at rapid growth of micro, small & medium scale sector.