Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on February 19 announced that the Centre has given its nod for setting up 10 clusters to boost the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector in the state. Khattar said it while speaking at a Regional Conclave on MSMEs, Northern Region organised b…
Tag: MSMEs
Universal robots to tap MSMEs
Denmark-headquartered Universal Robots aims to tap small industries in tier II/III towns across India, a top company executive said. In an interaction, Universal Robots General Manager (India) Pradeep S David said, “We are in talks with smaller industries like auto component and packaging industr…
TN interim budget has very little for MSMEs
Tamil Nadu Government has announced the interim budget, but the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) seems disappointed with this. the President of Tamil Nadu Small and Tiny Industries Association (TANSTIA) MUTHUSAMI C. said that there is nothing for the MSMEs in this interim budget as we …
FIEO’s Budget 2016 wishlist for MSMEs
The Federation of Indian Export Organisations has demanded creation of Export development fund in the forthcoming budget to help MSMEs, which account for 45 per cent of India’s exports, a share that has not fallen even when global trade has been hit by slowdown In its budget wishlist, FIEO said …
Gujarat to set up foreign desk for tapping Diaspora Funds
Gujarat Chief Minister Anandiben Patel said on February 16 that her state will set up foreign desks in global financial centres like New York, Dubai, Frankfurt, Guangzhou and Tokyo to attract investments from the Indian diaspora. “The Gujarati diaspora is present in huge numbers abroad and …
Kerala records growth in IEM proposals | ASSOCHAM
Kerala has emerged as the only State to record a positive growth in terms of receiving Industrial Entrepreneurs’ Memorandum (IEM) proposals during 2012-14, according to an Assocham study. The growth was about 315 per cent during the period compared to 2009-11, while the figure had seen a decline …
Open source platform to promote innovation in MSMEs
Coimbatore District Small Industries Association has launched a virtual platform to promote innovation in micro, small and medium-scale enterprises (MSMEs). Association President E.K. Ponnuswamy said, that Indian Open Technology Alliance (www.iotaplatform.org) has mentors, knowledge partners, and…
Capital Goods Policy to facilitate competitiveness | Anant Geete
Realising the strategic importance of Capital Goods and the pivotal role that it plays in overall manufacturing is central to the vision of “Make in India”, said Anant Geete, Heavy Industry & Public Enterprise, Minister while unveiling the “National Capital Goods Policy”, a first …
Make In India Week: Chhattisgarh pledge to MSMEs
The Chhattisgarh government on February 14 said it is providing new opportunities to MSMEs to prosper and also facilitating an “enabling eco system” for larger industries. The state government is currently focussing on sectors like agri-business, food processing, automotive, defence a…
ASSOCHAM wish-list to step-up Credit Flow to MSMEs
India’s apex industry body Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) wish-list to banks to improve credit flow to MSMEs: Managers of specialized MSME bank branches should be given more powers and flexibility. The specialized MSME branch should focus only on MSMEs. RBI shoul…