केंद्र सरकार भारत को दुनिया की फूड फैक्ट्री बनाने की तैयारी कर रही है। सरकार इसके लिए खाद्य प्रसंस्करण क्षेत्र यानी फ़ूड प्रोसेसिंग इंडस्ट्री के लिए एक राष्ट्रीय नीति ला रही है। सरकार ने यह कदम खाद्य उत्पादों की मात्रा में हुयी वृद्धि के तहत उठाया है। सरकार का कहना है कि देश की सब्जी, […]…
Tag: farmers
Upaya Social Ventures launches accelerator programme targeting small businesses
Seattle- based non-profit organization Upaya Social Ventures has launched its 2017 accelerator programme targeting small businesses which are creating jobs by ‘organizing the unorganised sector.’ The accelerator will have three different cohorts of 8-10 ventures across six months whic…
Enhance credit absorption capacity of weaker sections, RBI tells financial intermediaries
The Reserve Bank of India wants financial intermediaries such as banks and non-banking finance companies to focus on a ‘3x3x3’ matrix so that small and marginal farmers, micro and small enterprises (MSEs), and low-income earners in the unorganised sector are financially included. Speaking at a BR…
‘Alliance for Digital Bharat’ formed to help SMEs digitize
In a bid to develop conducive atmosphere for digitalisation in non-corporate sector, prominent stakeholders of economy have come forward to form the ‘Alliance for Digital Bharat”. The Alliance includes national organisations of traders, transporters, consumers, farmers, hawkers, SMEs, self-…