Share price of Womens Next Lingerie rose to Rs 75 in the third week of January, an increase by 50 per cent, compared to January 8, 2016 when it was quoted at Rs 50.60. The sudden increase prompted BSE-SME officials to ask for a clarification from Womens Next Lingerie. But all that the company had…
Tag: SME
Karnataka to come up with ideal ecosystem for women entrepreneurs
The Karnataka Government is dedicated to advancing women through the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The diverse ecosystem set up by the government allows global investors to tap into the pipeline of talented women entrepreneurs. Women entrepreneurs usually face hurdles like limited access to finance,…
Alibaba unveils trade facility centre in Jaipur, hindi portal to tap SMEs, the wholesale trading platform of China’s Alibaba Group, today unveiled its first physical trade facility center in the country at Jaipur and a Hindi portal, aimed at connecting small and medium businesses with global buyers. “We are excited about working with our Indian …
Exclusive | Outgoing MSME Secretary outlines what to expect in the Budget
For someone who drove positive change at the MSME Ministry, there is optimism in the air. His eyes are focused on February 29 even as he is set to move on. He believes the coming Union Budget would announce path breaking set of policies that would unlock the latent potential of the sector. Meet t…
Budget 2016 should enable & empower SMEs to be the growth engine of ‘Make in India’ | Raktim Das
A young country with 70% of its population below the age of 30 years, brewing with the spirit of entrepreneurship and a desire to tread the line of ‘Start up India, Stand Up India’ – that’s the new ‘Incredible India’. Juxtapose this with some of the comparative advantages that we enjoy like abund…
MSME Ministry to ease access to funds | Anup K Pujari
MSME Ministry is trying to develop a system to ease the access to funds. Under the proposed system, MSMEs which apply for loan will have to fill up a one page questionnaire about their requirement and a two page description regarding what they want to do, said outgoing MSME Secretary Anup K Pujar…
Jalan will be new MSME Secretary
Krishan Kumar Jalan, a 1982 batch IAS officer from Haryana cadre, will be the New Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Secretary, an official announcement said. Jalan comes in place of Anup K Pujari, a 1980 batch Karnataka cadre IAS officer, who will retire on January 31. Jalan is presently Cent…
Israel to part-take in Make in India
Israel, known for its frugal technologies, has evinced interest in participating in ‘Make in India’ initiative, particularly in the defence production where SMEs account for 80 per cent of design and development. At a ‘Make in India’ Summit, Israeli Ambassador, Daniel Carmon, said Israel can also…
Mahindra Insurance to focus on SMEs, reinsurance
Mahindra Insurance Brokers (MIBL), an insurance broking company from the M&M group, said it will focus on SME and reinsurance businesses in a big way. The company will launch its online platform in two months. It is open to raise funds from PEs for technology and products, Managing Director J…
States to come out with start-up policy
Encouraged by the Centre’s StartUp India initiative, several states including Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh are planning to come out with their own policies to promote budding entrepreneurs. States like Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka have rolled out their respective policies and more are…