लुधियाना: भारत की एसएमएमई इकाइयाँ टेक्नोलॉजी अपनाने के मामले किस कदर पीछे हैं, ये हाल ही में इंडस्ट्रियल अंडरटेकिंग्स (सीआईसीयू) द्वारा एसएमएमई इकाइयों पर किये गए एक सर्वे से पता चलता है। नवीन तकनीक और विपणन अपनाने को लेकर लुधियाना की एसएमएमई इकाइयों पर किये गए सर्वे में इकाइयाँ बहुत पीछे हैं। चै…
Tag: Technology
लेटेस्ट टेक्नोलॉजी अपनाने से चीन, थाईलैंड और वियतनाम दे रहे एमएसएमई को चुनौती
भारतीय माइक्रो, स्मॉल एंड मीडियम इंटरप्राइजेज (एमएसएमई) को जहां आंतरिक और बाहरी कंपीटिशन के कारण बुरे दौर से गुजरना पड़ रहा है। वहीं, चीन, थाईलैंड और वियतनाम से भी एमएसएमई काे कड़ी चुनौती मिल रही है। यह बात चेंबर ऑफ इंडस्ट्रियल एंड कॉमर्शियल अंडरटेकिंग (सीआईसीयू) की ओर से स्टडी ऑन आईटी शॉर्ट कमिं…
Innovate we must. Failure is not an option
The great Robert Noyce once said, “At the heart of what is possible is innovation and imagination”. Since I came back to India, I have been even more fascinated by the statement and how aptly it summed up the situation in the country. For centuries India has been a land of promise and potential, …
No good start-up will starve to death: Sanjay Swami of Prime Venture Partners
Prime Venture Partners, formerly Angel Prime, is a venture capital fund that focuses on early-stage start-ups, and looks for companies that don’t just need capital but also mentoring. Prime has a number of investments in the fintech space, and it’s well-known for its highly-engaged ap…
Govt is open to change the definition of a ‘start-up’: DIPP Secy
The government is inviting feedback from various sectors to modify the definition of Indian businesses that can be classified as ‘start-ups’. DIPP secretary Ramesh Abhishek said that the definition of start-ups in its current form needs to undergo a change. “We would be happy to make it even more…
QuikConsult | Connecting you to right experts round the clock
Timely and professional advice often plays a critical role in shaping up success stories. With digital transformation, one is able to today securely connect with experts in a far more engaging manner and with speed. But, the ability to apply the right information and engaging with the right exper…
There was never a better time for small business to think big!
The 2017 Union Budget of India has laid a lot of emphasis on small business (Start-ups & SMEs) and announced a number of initiatives which will benefit them greatly. From lower tax rates to larger availability of credit. Announcement of large scale infrastructure development across farm and d…
Tech start-ups & academia: How Indian Institute of Science is showing the way
The technology industry has had a long standing relationship with the academia with the latter’s breakthrough research activities forming the framework for commercially viable products and services that find a ready market. A similar budding alliance is now being forged between Indian tech start-…
Kalaari Capital offers $100k each to 3 hardware start-ups
Remember the hoverboard from the movie Back to the Future, the teleporter from Star Trek, or the landspeeder from Star Wars? How about a multi-touch table out of a James Bond film? Talk about hardware technology innovation, these are some of the images that rush to the mind of India’s top venture…
Idea Bubbles raises Rs 4.5 cr from Eureka Forbes, 1Crowd
Healthcare technology start-up Idea Bubbles has raised Rs 4.5 crore in equity funding from 1Crowd and Eureka Forbes along with its parent Shapoorji Pallonji & Company. “Idea Bubbles…has recently raised Rs 4.5 crore (about USD 700,000) in equity funding from early stage funding pla…